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An new GI WACAF project coordinator
A new Industry Chair for the GI WACAF project
The 10th Regional Conference of the Global Initiative for West, Central and Southern Africa (GI WACAF) will take place in Lomé (Togo), 25th to 28th November, 2024
We are glad to introduce the new Project coordinator: Rim Al Amir
New GI WACAF Project Manager, Anaïs Guillou
GI WACAF contributed to the World Bank led “West Africa Coastal Areas 2020 Assessment”
GI WACAF conducted its end of 2020-2021 biennium webinar - 1 December 2021
GI WACAF second webinar season in a nutshell
GI WACAF Q2 Q3 2021 review of activities [infographics]
2021 Mid-year review: how did the GI WACAF Project keep supporting the region?
GI WACAF takes part in the national workshop to launch the coastal sensitivity maps and validate Senegal's Shoreline Response Plan – 24-26 August 2021
GI WACAF organised a fully online joint industry-government national IMS 300 training and exercise with Namibia – 20 -23 July 2021
GI WACAF attends the closing ceremony of the MOOC on environmental management of offshore oil & gas activities in West Africa - 12 July 2021
GI WACAF conducted its first fully online training on liability and compensation in case of oil spill pollution - 28-30 June 2021
GI WACAF participated in the 2021 Virtual International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) – 12 May 2021
GI WACAF Q1 2021 review of activities [infographics]
GI WACAF participated in the virtual meeting to launch phase #2 of the "Sustainable management of oil&gas activities in West Africa" project (COBIA initiative) - 15 April 2021
GI WACAF contributes to a MOOC on the environmental management of offshore oil & gas activities in West Africa
New GI WACAF Industry Chair
GI WACAF webinar series on oil spill preparedness and response returns starting April 14th!
2020 activities review: how did GI WACAF innovate to strategically rethink the way the Project supports the region?
GI WACAF attends DMISA Disaster Risk Reduction (DDR) Webinar 2021 - 17-18 March 2021
GI WACAF attends CRIMSON virtual Coordination Meeting - International Maritime Partners in the Gulf of Guinea, 17-18 March 2021
New GI WACAF Project Manager
GI WACAF first webinar season in a nutshell
New GI WACAF Industry Vice Chair
New GI WACAF Project Coordinator
How did GI WACAF adapt during the first semester of 2020?
GI WACAF launches its webinar series on oil spill response and preparedness
IMO and IPIECA reaffirm their commitment to support national authorities to remain prepared for oil spills during the Covid-19 pandemic
Coronavirus - Message from the GI WACAF Industry Chairman, Rupert Bravery
GI WACAF activities postponed due to Coronavirus
GI WACAF attends the mid-term evaluation meeting of the COBIA initiative in Dakar, Senegal
2019 has been a very productive year for GI WACAF
GI WACAF attends the GoGIN coordination meeting in Lisbon, Portugal - 13-14 January 2020
GI WACAF collaborates with GoGIN to support operational training on oil pollution response – Cotonou, Benin, 25 June-3 July 2019
GI WACAF attends GoGIN Project Advisory Committee (GPAC) in Dakar – 9/10th April 2019
GI WACAF attends the GoGIN coordination meeting of maritime international partners in the Gulf of Guinea in Paris – 18th/19th December 2018
GI WACAF attends a joint Government/industry Incident Management System (IMS) oil spill exercise in Port Elizabeth – 29-30 November 2018
Change in GI WACAF Secretariat
GI WACAF attends the scoping workshop for the preparation of the plenipotentiaries meeting of the Abidjan Convention in Abidjan – September 3-5 2018
GI WACAF and MAVA, a blossoming collaboration
GI WACAF attends a French Navy at sea response exercise in Brest – September 13-14 2017
Industry Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) – Plymouth, United Kingdom – September 26-28 2017
Conference on Marine Safety and Fisheries Protection – Nigeria – July 13-14 2017
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